Monday, April 21, 2008


1 Peter 2:19-23
“For this is a gracious thing, when mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.
For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it you endure?
But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps.
He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
When He was reviled, He did not revile in return;
When He suffered, He did not threaten, BUT continued entrusting Himself to the HIM who judges justly.”

It is so tempting when we are sinned against to defend ourselves, to strike back, to hurt like we’ve been hurt, but this is not the example given to us by Jesus.
He died for us. He bore our sins and took our punishment. He received upon Himself the wrath of God that belongs to me, not Him! Yet, Jesus did not revile in return. Jesus did not defend Himself. He did not threaten his mockers and killers.

BUT, he DID continue to entrust Himself to God who judges justly. The gospel just keeps on giving, doesn’t it? The gospel : CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS reaches way beyond the cross. The gospel is our key to daily living. We must preach it to ourselves everyday! While Jesus was suffering and dying for our sins He endured! And in this scripture it is shown to us how we too can endure suffering! Jesus, while bearing the wrath of God still trusted God.

We, who follow Jesus, get to trust God while He is showing us compassion, grace and mercy, NOT WRATH! Oh how sweet suffering is when we compare it to the suffering of Jesus. We will NEVER have to endure the worst suffering there is, bearing the sins of the elect and experiencing the full wrath of God. There is no greater suffering than this. I will NEVER see this kind of suffering.

WOW! Doesn’t this then put our sufferings into perspective? By the power of the Holy Spirit we can choose to endure. Because of the great sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf we are no longer slaves to sin.

I no longer am a slave to being offended.

I am no longer a slave to thinking I have to protect myself from life’s hurts.

I am no longer a slave to defending myself when wrongly accused.

I am no longer a slave to reviling in return or threatening those who hurt me.

I am no longer a slave to settling the score.

I am no longer a slave to being hurt and angry.

I am a slave to righteousness and because CHRIST DIED FOR MY SINS I can choose to endure in my sufferings.

Because of the gospel we are able to endure the sufferings that come our way.

The gospel continues to be good news!

It is so helpful to remember that the fellow believer who has sinned against me has been forgiven by God because JESUS DIED FOR THEIR SINS, just like he died for mine!!! WOW! Oh may I endure it when I am sinned against by not reviling, not threatening and by entrusting myself to GOD who judges justly.

It is tempting, to hurt back. It is tempting to be mad. Why do I act as though “how can this happen to me?”… it can happen to me because I am a sinner and I am living with and friends with sinners and I am not above the sufferings that Jesus himself endured and just to remind myself again, I will never endure sufferings as drastic as those endured by Jesus. Oh Jesus , I need your help! Make me more like you!!!!

And even more important, Lord, Help ME to not be the one that causes others to suffer! Help me Lord to be cautious and gentle and compassionate and full of grace and mercy as I interact with your precious children. I need your help. In Jesus name.. amen.

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