1 Cor 4:7
“What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?”
James 1:21
“In humility receive the Word implanted, which is able to save your souls.”
“Humility knows it is dependent on grace for all knowing and believing.” John Piper;;
Have you ever realized how the ex-smoker or the ex-drinker is the most passionate about NOT smoking or NOT drinking? Perhaps even more so than the life- long non smoker or life- long teetotaler? The ex smoker/drinker wants everyone to know what they now know and even though they mean well come across a little obnoxiously! (yes, I was that ex-smoker!!!)
I’m kind of in that boat right now with my fairly recent revelation of when God showed me my sin of judgementalism, critical spirit and legalism in dealing with myself and other people!. Since then I’ve been like a bull in a china shop plowing down everything and everybody in my attempt to show them where they are judgemental or legalistic !!! hahaha! Which, of course, then renders me judgemental and legalistic all over again as I get frustrated with their lack of “getting it.”
I don’t even know how I navigated to this article about humility by Desiring God ministries this morning, but I am thankful that God took me there for it reminded me that ANYTHING I know or understand about God, his Word, my sin, salvation is because it was GIVEN to me and REVEALED to me by God! I’m not that smart, insightful, or savvy to “get it” on my own. I am such a “fool” and therefore I could never see this on my own without God opening my eyes to see.
"Oh Lord, help me to walk in humility remembering that EVERYTHING I have that is good and worthy is from You. Every thought, every understanding is from YOU! Lord, help me to remember to be gentle and humble as I walk alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please show me every vestige of pride in my life that continues to rise up in me. I want to kill this sin, not just redirect how it manifests itself. I need you Lord! I need Thee every hour, no, every minute, no, EVERY SECOND! I praise you that you are for us and show us our sins for our sanctification! You are so patient and merciful and gracious to me. I love you Lord. Amen."
“What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?”
James 1:21
“In humility receive the Word implanted, which is able to save your souls.”
“Humility knows it is dependent on grace for all knowing and believing.” John Piper;;
Have you ever realized how the ex-smoker or the ex-drinker is the most passionate about NOT smoking or NOT drinking? Perhaps even more so than the life- long non smoker or life- long teetotaler? The ex smoker/drinker wants everyone to know what they now know and even though they mean well come across a little obnoxiously! (yes, I was that ex-smoker!!!)
I’m kind of in that boat right now with my fairly recent revelation of when God showed me my sin of judgementalism, critical spirit and legalism in dealing with myself and other people!. Since then I’ve been like a bull in a china shop plowing down everything and everybody in my attempt to show them where they are judgemental or legalistic !!! hahaha! Which, of course, then renders me judgemental and legalistic all over again as I get frustrated with their lack of “getting it.”
I don’t even know how I navigated to this article about humility by Desiring God ministries this morning, but I am thankful that God took me there for it reminded me that ANYTHING I know or understand about God, his Word, my sin, salvation is because it was GIVEN to me and REVEALED to me by God! I’m not that smart, insightful, or savvy to “get it” on my own. I am such a “fool” and therefore I could never see this on my own without God opening my eyes to see.
"Oh Lord, help me to walk in humility remembering that EVERYTHING I have that is good and worthy is from You. Every thought, every understanding is from YOU! Lord, help me to remember to be gentle and humble as I walk alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please show me every vestige of pride in my life that continues to rise up in me. I want to kill this sin, not just redirect how it manifests itself. I need you Lord! I need Thee every hour, no, every minute, no, EVERY SECOND! I praise you that you are for us and show us our sins for our sanctification! You are so patient and merciful and gracious to me. I love you Lord. Amen."
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