Tuesday, May 06, 2008


1 Peter 4:19

“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”

I have a godly Christian friend who teaches in a local school system. Her job requires that she tests A LOT of children to assess their progression in their studies. The county has a firm date for beginning and ending this testing. Many of my friend’s colleagues encouraged her to begin the testing before the official beginning date and told her to put lie about the date. My friend refused to do so. She said it would be lying to do so and she didn’t want to lie. She was criticized, told that she would have a hard time finishing. My friend felt pressure, but she stuck to the godly way. I think she endured suffering in that she was aware of what people were thinking about her and saying about her. Although this suffering wasn’t unbearable, and does not compare at all to the sufferings some of our brothers and sisters in this world have to endure for their faith, it was a small suffering but she endured. She did good, while trusting her faithful Creator.

So, I began to think what “little” things do I have to endure while doing good? Is it saying no to certain movies or tv shows? Is it not chuckling at the off color joke? Is it not entering into gossip or judgement about someone?

Oh God, help me to choose to do good while entrusting myself to you, my faithful Creator!

By the way… my friend began the testing when she was supposed to and finished on time. Praise the Lord!

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