Sunday, May 04, 2008


2 Timothy 1:9

…who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.”

This little verse is packed full of gospel truths but what hit me square between the eyes this morning was the phrase, “not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace” …
I am reminded this morning of God’s grace and kindness in saving me. I did NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, to deserve or require Him to save me. He did so because of his purpose and grace. That’s it! HE DID IT and He did it before anything we see now, existed! WOW! Before I even was born, before time began, God saved me because of his purpose and grace. THAT is worthy to think and ponder on today!

It makes want to sing this song:

Thank You For Saving Me
Thank you for saving me,
what can I say?
You are my everything,
I will sing your praise.
You shed your blood for me,
what can I say?
You took my sin and shame,
a sinner called by name.
Great is the Lord,
Great is the Lord,
For we know your truth has set us free,
You've set your hope in me.
Mercy and grace are mine,
forgiven is my sin,
Jesus my only hope,
the Saviour of the world.
"Great is the Lord" we cry,
God let your kingdom come,
Your word has let me see,
thank you for saving me!
Written by Martin Smith ©1994 Curious? Music UK

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