Monday, May 19, 2008

Catch the FOXES, the little FOXES!

Song of Solomon 2:15
"Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom."

This weekend the local news reported that 2 people in Fairfax County, in two different locations, were bitten by a rabid fox! Each person was going about their daily routine, one was taking out the trash, the other was mowing the lawn, when unprovoked the fox attacked them. (Each individual is fine and undergoing rabies shots). This scared me. Our house is up against a wooded area and I always see foxes and families of foxes. They walk right through our front yard!
Fear prompted me to be more alert as I go to the mailbox, go to my car, etc. It is a good thing to be more alert right now if there seems to be rabies in our local foxes! I believe it is a good fear if I let it motivate me to safety and watchfulness. I have begun to pray for the children who play in the neighborhood, that God would protect them from the foxes.

THEN, I remembered this scripture. Am I just as vigilant in my life against sin? Do I allow the "little sins" (the little foxes) to spoil the vineyard (my walk with God)?
Am I as careful and watchful for the sin that creeps into my life as I am right now as I walk out my door? Am I guarding my soul the way I am guarding my body right now? Am I in prayer for my neighbors and their salvation the way I am praying for God to protect them from an animal? Am I as aware of the sin that crouches at my door the way I am watchful for a fox to be near my door? Do I go about my daily routine not aware of the sins that affect my soul? How vigilant am I ???

Last night I heard an audio clip of John Piper pleading with his listeners to make war against sin!! He was so passionate in his pleadings that we must battle our sin. If we don't kill sin, it will kill us! We must battle sin and put it to death! And we can because as believers sin is no longer our master! JESUS is our master! Amen!!!

The sum of my meditations on this topic is this: Oh Lord! Help me to make war against my sin! Reveal to me the "little sins" the ones that I don't even notice so that I may, by the power of the Holy Spirit, battle them and put them to death! I am encouraged Lord, that because you love me, you will help me. The battle belongs to you O Lord, victory is promised because Jesus spent his precious blood to ransom me and I am forever secure. Oh Lord, catch the foxes the little foxes that spoil my vineyard. I need your help! In Jesus... for HIS glory. Amen.

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