Thursday, March 27, 2008


Is 26:3-4

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

I am drawn to the phrase “perfect peace” today. What IS perfect peace!? For one thing, I think, only God is perfect so perfect peace or perfect anything can only be found in God, himself. This is an incredible promise!!! If my mind stays (secured in place, constant, standing firm, taking up residence, to continue in a place or condition, to stick, to remain with, to stop advancing forward) on God, if I trust Him, HE will KEEP me in perfect peace. I am realizing it is not a circumstance by circumstance deal, or a single activity.. it is a way of life to have my mind STAYED on God.. it’s an “all the time” deal, as my mind is constantly on God, not moving from that spot, this is producing trust and God will keep me in perfect peace.

How does our mind STAY on God? By reading and knowing the Scriptures!! God gave us a way to KNOW him and all about him. We must must must have a life devoted to reading the Bible!!!! I am reminded over and over again that I always find time to do what I want to do.

“Thank you Lord that through Jesus Christ alone there is nothing between You and I that can keep me from keeping my mind stayed on you. Lord, when my mind wants to move on, to move away from being stayed on you, from trusting you, I pray you bring my mind and my thoughts back to Yourself. Thank you that it’s not I who keeps myself in perfect peace but YOU oh Lord who keeps me in perfect peace as my mind is stayed on you. Thank you Lord for this beautiful promise. When I am weary of reading Scripture, when my joy in your word begins to wane, I pray Lord that you will draw me back and give me a new and deeper hunger and desire for your Word, that I may grow in my knowledge of You. Amen.”

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