Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Psalm 119:103
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”

My new favorite hot beverage to drink at both Starbucks and at home is Tazo Refresh(mint) Tea. I love it! I used to drink coffee throughout the day but now I have my coffee in the morning and my Mint tea throughout the day. So, this is good, less caffeine..BUT, I use sugar with this new tea. We can discuss the pros and cons of deleting caffeine and adding sugar later, I wanted to use the sugar I put in my tea as an illustration of the above scripture.
I keep my sugar in a restaurant type pourer. When I make my tea I feel like the sugar pours and pours and pours into the cup and then I stop and before I even taste it, I add more sugar. Usually, I’ll then taste it and add more!!

When I read this scripture today I realized that I do not always treat God’s Word this way.. I have my scheduled daily readings, according to the plan our church recommended, I check the boxes… I often meditate on the scriptures I read but I don’t “add” more like I do the sugar to my tea. I add more sugar without even tasting my tea but in reading God’s Word I’m very careful to check my boxes and feel as though I’ve accomplished something!

Lord, please make your Word be as sweet, no sweeter to my taste than honey (or sugar) is to my mouth! Help me to see your Word as so sweet that I want to add more and more and more and not just check my boxes for the day! I need your assistance Lord! I trust in your promise to assist me in loving you and your Word.

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