Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Romans 12:16
“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”

I find myself having many a “heated” political discussions lately. But it’s not what you think. I’m not arguing party platform or policy.. I’m getting frustrated with my fellow Christian brother and sisters, as many not all, seem to have a need to demonize the “other” party and their candidates.

My question is, “can’t we just disagree with the “other” party? Do we have to demonize them and drag them through the mud? Do we have to dig up dirt on them and then revel in what we found? Shouldn’t we as Christians demonstrate kindness and compassion for those who belong to the “other” party? Regardless of who gets elected, Mr. Obama or Mr. McCain as president does not bring salvation, only the gospel does. I’m not saying we shouldn’t vote or we shouldn’t be interested in politics. I love politics but I am weary with the nastiness I am seeing.. and then I am weary of my own pride as I get frustrated with my brothers and sisters.

So, my prayer must be, “oh Lord keep me humble.” From Valley of Vision, pp 88 :

“When I am tempted to think highly of myself, grant me to see the wily power of my spiritual enemy; Help me stand with wary eye on the watch-tower of faith, and to cling with determined grasp to my humble Lord; If I fall let me hide myself in my redeemer’s righteousness, and when I escape, may I ascribe all deliverance to thy grace. Keep me humble, meek, lowly.”

Oh.. notice I never said “who” the “other” party is? God has his elect in both parties. I pray that we Christians can approach the remaining 13 days and the next 4 years with humility and compassion and prayer no matter WHO is elected, remembering the sovereignty of our God in all things!

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