Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ephesians 2:12-13

"remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ."

Oh my! This scripture is encouraging my soul today! I was without hope and without God! I remember those days! I remember feeling hopeless as a young woman, always despairing that life was senseless and worthless. I remember thinking about my sin and knowing there was no way I would get to heaven based on my good works or lack thereof! But now I see that even that despair was a gift from God! He was opening my eyes to see the extent of my sin and let me see and feel the hoplessness apart from God! BUT NOW! Through Christ Jesus, I was brought near through HIS blood! I am so grateful to my God and my Savior.

This scripture reminds me of a song I love sung by Devlin Kauflin on the CD Looked Upon,
My Lord, I did not Choose You. (you can listen to it through the link). Following are the lyrics:

My Lord, I did not choose You
For that could never be
My heart would still refuse You
Had You not chosen me
You took the sin that stained me
You cleansed me, made me new
Of old You have ordained me
That I should live in You

Chorus :

Jesus, You have saved me
And taken all my sin, all my sins away
Jesus, You have called me
Before the world began, to glorify Your name
I was without hope and dead inside
But You chose to save my life

Verse 2

Unless Your grace had called me
And taught my darkened mind
The world would have enthralled me
To Your glories I’d be blind
My heart knows none above You
For Your rich grace I thirst
I know that if I love You
You must have loved me first.

Oh Lord, I am in grateful and joyful awe this morning that while I was far off you drew me near to you by Your blood. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen.

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