Monday, October 06, 2008

Psalm 66:16
“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what He has done for my soul.”

Just a few minutes ago, a dear sister in the Lord, texted me and asked me how my soul was today. I share with her that my soul was well for Jesus bore God’s wrath for my sin. She then responded that God’s mercies endure forever and that He has arrested her by grace. She said she had a heart of gratitude today!

By this little interchange we did what the Psalm 66:16 says to do. We told one another what God has done for our souls! The people of God, those who fear God, encourage one another when we share what God has done and is doing. What a great way to keep the gospel before us and keep our eyes on Jesus!

Be sure to share what God has done for YOUR soul with those around you!!!

Thank you to my friend who asked about the condition of my soul today!

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