Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today I am blogging about why I appreciate my pastor in response to Abraham Piper’s offer to enter our pastors into a drawing for a free registration to the Desiring God Pastor’s conference! Good luck Mark!

Why I Appreciate my Pastor

I appreciate Pastor Mark Mullery of Sovereign Grace Church in Fairfax for several reasons:

1. First and foremost I appreciate him because of his dedication in keeping the cross central to all his preaching. He always brings everything back around to the gospel and how to apply it practically in our lives.

2. I appreciate Mark’s expository preaching.

3. Mark’s incredible humility is evidence of God’s grace at work in his life and the life of our church. When my husband and I visited this church almost 5 years ago we were won over by the humility of not only Mark but the rest of the pastors as well. Mark models humility and it trickles down to the rest of the staff and into the body of believers that go there. When we first began to attend this church we were taken aback by the kindness of the people who went there. At first we attributed it to the fact that we were new. Then, I uncharitably assumed it wasn’t real. As time wore on I realized that this kindness was indeed real, it was evidence of God’s grace at work in this church and that it was modeled and taught from Mark and through the rest of the pastoral team.

4. When I tell Mark I feel so blessed to be part of this church he says, “Me too!” He loves his church!

5. He regularly and humbly honors members of the pastoral team and members of the church giving glory to God for their service.

6. I appreciate how Mark loves great books of sound doctrine, not for the sake of reading or just to accumulate knowledge but for the purpose of directing our gaze to Jesus and the cross and to Scripture

7. I appreciate Mark’s genuine emotion when he is overtaken by the love of Jesus Christ through the gospel.

8. I appreciate his humble leadership

9. I appreciate that Mark has his fellow pastors preach often.

10. I appreciate all my pastors!! Each brings to the table his own unique gifts.

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