Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My reasons for writing this blog is to keep my eyes as well as the reader's eyes focused on the cross of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to congratulate President Elect Obama. I did not vote for him but I desire to be gracious in my response to the election outcome. Senator McCain was very very gracious in his concession speech last night and I believe, we as Christians, must be gracious as well. We do not have to support Obama's pro-death policies, you do not have to like his economic strategies or health care options, but we must, as Christians, respect him and pray for him. So, that I will do. By keeping our eyes on Jesus, we WILL be able to be respectful and prayerful for our new president.

I have to say, that as I watched the response from the American people I was driven to tears at the historic moment this is in the history of America. Of course there was much hoopla but as I observed the tears streaming down the faces of many older people who never thought they'd live to see a black president, I wept with them. It was a beautiful moment and I felt the weight of their joy.

Following is a link to Al Mohler's blog. It is a great read and great encouragement.

Let us remember to pray for President elect Obama, for our country and for God's mercy.

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