Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Okay, so this is a little gross but hear me out. :)

Let's see, about 10 years ago my husband was stationed with the Army in Korea and I was at home in Virginia with our 4 children. It was a long year but a great year as God worked in both Dennis and I to depend on HIM more and ourselves less.

Anyways, it was the day before Dennis was coming home... honestly, I do not remember if he was coming home on leave or for good... but I was "preparing" for him to come home... getting the house cleaned up, getting myself cleaned up... doing all the things I could to welcome him home. That day I was at my church for a bible study and as I was leaving my dear friend, Jill (who is now at home with Jesus, she finished the race well), stopped me and asked about my preparations for Dennis's arrival. We talked about how excited the whole family was. There were other women with us as she was talking to me. Then she looked at me closely and said, "You have a looooong hair on your chin.. you better get that out before Dennis comes home."
hahahaha.. funny now.. but at the moment I was embarassed and offended.
She must have picked up on it because when we had a moment alone she asked me if she offended me and I said yes that I was embarassed in front of the other women. She quickly apologized and all was forgotten. Until today.

I was getting ready to go out this morning and sure enough saw one of those loooooong hairs that us women in our 50's have to contend with.(Oh Lord, give me grace as I age :) ) ... I quickly plucked that little offender and then remembered Jill being so kind to point out my "stray hair" those many years ago.

Did you notice I used the word "kind"? God has given me a different perspective now. He has shown me how it was indeed kind of her to show me that hair, that my dear sister was assisting me in preparing for the return of my husband. She, in her kindness, wanted me to look absolutely radiant for him, not one "hair" out of place.
Then I was offended.. but now I see the grace and the loving kindness in her pointing that out to me.

Christian, we as believers are waiting for our husband to return! JESUS is coming again! He is coming for His BRIDE! He is coming for His church! That's us!!!!! Are you ready? Do you bristle when a dear sister or brother in Christ points out your stray hairs? Your sin? Are you aware of the kindness that brother or sister in Christ is doing for you? Or do you turn away in your pride feeling offended and judged? Do you shout "legalism" or do you humbly see the love behind the one who observes your sin and shows you?

Let me share a couple of Scriptures with you:

Revelations 19:6-8

6Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,

For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns.
7Let us rejoice and exult
and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his Bride has made herself ready;

8it was granted her to clothe herself
with fine linen, bright and pure"--
for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

James 5:19-20

19My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, 20let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

Oh fellow Christian! Do not be offended when a brother or sister points out a sin in your life... He is helping you to make yourself ready for your Bridegroom! Do not be embarassed or offended but receive their observations with love and turn to Jesus in faith and repentance!

Lord God, I thank you for the local church! I thank you for dear brothers and sisters in Christ who humbly come alongside and cheer us on in our walk with You! Give us humble hearts when someone points out that "stray hair".. that SIN in our lives! Help us to receive this kindness and turn away from our sin! And Lord, keep me humble. If ever I must confront someone in their sin help me to do so humbly and in love with grace and compassion for You have treated me with the ultimate grace and mercy and compassion. You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise oh Lord!
Make me ready! Prepare this bride to receive her Bridegroom, Jesus. Amen.

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