Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This morning I sit here amazed yet again at God's incredible mercy and grace. I just finished reading a devotion from Spurgeon's Morning and Evening book where he discusses the gravestone heading for William Carey (known as the Father of Modern Missions, died in 1834)... He wrote in his will that he desired the following on his gravestone:

William Carey, Born August 17th, 1761; Died-
"A wretched, poor, and helpless worm
On Thy kind arms I fall."

WOW! He understood his helpless estate. Here is a man who as a christian "did" many great works.. and still he understood that even His best works needed the blood of Jesus and the grace of God upon them.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about John Piper's response to Rabbi Kushner (see my August 7 blog entry) and that Dr. Piper understood that even his own righteous anger at biblical truth being compromised was stained with sin.

It is good for us to remember that for all of life in all we do, think and say we need the grace of God. Oh how wonderful it is for christians that we fall into the everlasting arms of our God. It is good that we remember it is not on our own works that we rely on. We do not rely on our works before we are saved and we still do not rely on our works after we are saved. It is on Christ and Christ alone on whom we depend to bring us safely home. He alone is sufficient to save and sanctify. There is nothing we can add to our salvation.
Our hope is always in Christ alone.. not anything we do. Even our obedience that results from salvation is a work of God in us.

It is good that we remember that it is onto God's kind and everlasting arms we fall.

"The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Deuteronomy 33:27

I love the following song from Sovereign Grace Ministries which reminds me of the surety of God's promise to complete what he has begun in me:

Jesus, My Only Hope
Item # M4005-01-51

Words and music by Mark Altrogge
As recorded on All We Long to See

Listen to song sample


I come into Your presence
With nothing in my hands
I only bring thanksgiving
For Jesus, God, and Man
I cast myself on mercy
I cast myself on love
I trust Your gracious promise
To wash me with Your blood

I will not fear Your judgment
For me no wrath I dread
For it was spent on Jesus
Poured out upon His head
When Satan’s accusations
Make my poor heart afraid
I hear my King declaring
“Father, that debt is paid!”

Jesus my only hope
My only plea
My righteousness
My Great High Priest
Who intercedes for me
Before the throne
Jesus, I trust in You alone

Though I am poor and naked
Your prodigal come home
You place Your robe upon me
Your holiness alone
Though I be dry and barren
By grace this love springs forth
Love for You and Your Kingdom
Joy in Your glory, Lord

© 2002 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI).
Format: MP3 download

May you be encouraged and amazed today by the reminder of JESUS who is our only hope and plea before God. May you be encouraged and amazed, as you surrender it all to Jesus, that underneath us are God's everlasting arms. His mercies and grace are greater than all our sin! May we spurred on to love and obedience as we press into God and His Word. My prayer today is that we be captured by the beauty of Jesus Christ. He is good.

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