Saturday, February 07, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!
I have a "profile" on Facebook. I know, I know... I am way too old for Facebook, however, it has proved to be a great way to reconnect with long lost friends! Presently, on Facebook, making it's rounds is a 25 Random Things About Me note. You're supposed to write 25 things about yourself and then "tag" 25 people and they're supposed to write about themselves... etc etc... kind of a fun way to get to know people. So... I'm copying an idea from someone else's blog! She copied her Facebook 25 things and posted it on her blog! I thought it was a great idea and a way for the people who lurk around this blog or stumble upon it to know me a bit better! Enjoy! Feel free to leave comments AND add your own random things about yourself!
1. In February, Dennis and I will be celebrating 31 years of marriage together! I love him more every day! He's the best husband!
2. I would love to have a degree in Library Science.
3. I LOVE being a wife and mom
4. I still look at how God drew me to Himself with utter amazement.
5. I LOVE to read! (not so secret, I know) I've gone beyond loving to read to actually being a bibliophile.
6. I'm really just one big nerd. I love all the new gadgets.
7. English is not my first language. Lithuanian is. I learned to speak English in Kindergarten.
8. I LOVE spending time with my kids.
9. I get especially giddy when all my kids and kids in law are under one roof with me!!
10. I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA this summer!!
11. I love to help women get excited about and love God's Word.
12. I love my church and am so thankful to be continually learning about grace.
13. I never thought I could stop drinking Diet Pepsi. I am happy to say that it has been over a year since Diet Pepsi has passed my lips!
14. My mom has been living with us for over 2 years now!
15. I love to write about Jesus. I hope to be published one day.
16. My dream house is on the coast of Maine. I get the best of all worlds that way.. cold, wind, snow, beach. Doesn't get any better!!!!! The Sleepless in Seattle House would be okay too... I'd have to sacrifice snow for rain.. but that's okay.... there's still snow there too, right?
17. It was a significant election this year.. for the first time, I am older than the President.
18. The first time I met my present physician, she looked so young I wanted to ask her, "Does your mommy know you're here and playing doctor?"
19. I really really really like to watch American Idol, Survivor, Amazing Race... hmmmm.
20. Snow makes me happy. Nothing like a new, fresh fallen snow to remind me that though my sins were like scarlet they are as white as snow. (Is 1:17)
21. I like rainy days at home with a cozy fire, a warm blanket, hot tea and a couple of good books.22. I cry at sappy tv commercials
23. I love singing worship songs at the top of my lungs while riding by myself in my car.
24. I hate cooking. Yuck. Blech. Shivers ...
25. Did I say I love to read? All things.. classics, modern fiction, non fiction, history, theology, BIBLE...

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