Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So, imagine you are driving down a major road in your hometown. You are not in any particular big hurry which is good since you find yourself stuck behind a funeral procession. The head-lighted cars are in a neat row for what seems like a very long line but then you catch a glimpse of the hearse at the head of the line with a limo full of grieving relatives behind it. Instinctively you know that this second limo contains some very, very sad people. You then remember reading in the paper and hearing on CNN and Fox about the untimely death of a woman's son. A woman, who had recently lost her husband. A widow. So sad.

Imagine what you might be thinking. You may begin to pray for this grieving family and in particular the mom of this son or you might remember the time you, yourself, were in a car behind the hearse containing your loved one on the way to the cemetary dreading this final part of the funeral.

Imagine as you are thinking on these things that suddenly a man walks up the car holding the dead man's mother, knocks on her window and compassionately speaks to her, telling her not to cry. He then goes to the hearse, knocks on the window and asks the driver to open up the back gate of the car and then demands that the coffin be opened!!!!!!!!!!! You can't believe your eyes as you watch horrified relatives jump out of their cars screaming at this man to stop! But, for some unknown reason you see that the driver obeys this man and opens up the coffin.

The stranger then says to the corpse, "Young man, I say to you arise." And right before your eyes, the eyes of the family, the eyes of the crowd that has now gathered, the eyes of a funeral procession and before the eyes of a grieving mom, the young man sits up and begins to speak! The stranger then hands this very much alive young man to his mother.

CAN YOU IMAGINE? I'm pretty sure there would be stunned silence followed by excited chatter followed by some people praying and exclaiming God's goodness! Before too long CNN and FOX and every major newspaper and network would be spreading the news of what happened!!! Can you imagine this REALLY happening?

Well, GOOD NEWS!!! It really did happen! Luke tells us this story in Chapter 7 verses 11-17 in his book. He tells us that Jesus went to a city called Nain and as He and disciples and a crowd that was following them got close to the city they ran into a funeral procession. He saw that a man had died and was being carried out to be buried. He was followed by his widow mother and a crowd of mourners. LUke tells us that when Jesus saw the mourning widow He had compassion on her, told her not to weep and then went over to the bier, the pall bearers stood still and Jesus commanded the dead young man to arise! And he did!!!!!!!!!!!! He began to speak and then Jesus handed this man to his mother! The scriptures tell us that fear seized everyone and they glorified God! Naturally, this news of Jesus raising this young man from the dead spread to the whole of Judea and all the surrounding country!!!!!

I have been asking God lately, as I sit down to ready my bible, to not let me bypass the magnificent, to not let me be so familiar with the bible that I ceaes to be amazed! Of course, God loves for us to be amazed at His Word and He didn't fail me! He showed me that JESUS raised this young man FROM THE DEAD!!!! Did you read that? FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even imagine being witness to that then, or in this day and age.. and then I thought of something.....

While we were yet sinners, Jesus died for our sins! We were DEAD, DEAD, DEAD in our trespasses. We needed to be BORN AGAIN! God, in His kindness had compassion on the sinner and sent Jesus to die for our sins! He sent Jesus to bear our sin and then bear the punishment and wrath of God that was ours to bear! He died. He rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.

We, who were dead in our sin could never have chosen God had He not chosen us! We were hell bound and happy in our slavery to sin. BUT THEN! But then the Holy Spirit awakened faith in us and in God's kindness he led us to believe in Jesus and repent for our sins and we passed from death to life. We were BORN AGAIN!

Do you see it? EVERYTIME an individual turns in faith to Jeus in repentance of their sins he/she is RAISED FROM THE DEAD to LIFE IN CHRIST! It happened to me and if you are a Christian it happened to you~!! Do not let this miracle become commonplace to you! YOU WERE RAISED FROM THE DEAD and by His grace we will live with God eternally! If God had not called me and you we would still be dead, dead, dead. BUT grace called our names and we were brought to life in Christ!

May you be encouraged today by the miracle of the new birth of a christian. May you be encouraged to cling with gratefullness and love to the cross. May this good news spur you on to obedience. May you remember that we love God because He first loved us. May you remember with awe that God had compassion on you! May we remember to glorify Him today!

REJOICE! Oh! how merciful and kind is our great God! Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Psalm 103; 2a, 4b

"Bless the Lord, O my soul...who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy."

This piece of Scripture affected my soul today! Jesus wore a crown of thorns. Jesus suffered by the crown that was thrust upon His head yet the believer in Christ is crowned with God's steadfast love and mercy!!!!

This is what adorns us day in and day out, morning, noon and night. We are wearing a crown of God's steadfast love and mercy upon our head! Do you see it? Do you see the beauty of this? Do you see the grace? I can hardly get my mind and heart around the beauty and significance of this precious, priceless gift we receive by faith through Jesus Christ.

Oh Lord, my desire is to walk in a manner worthy of You . Help me to respond to your graciousness and mercy with increasing obedience and love. Jesus, thank you for wearing a crown of thorns so I could be crowned with God's steadfast love and mercy. Thank you for satisfying me this morning with your steadfast love. Amen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Romans 8:13 "For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."

"Be killing sin or it will be killing you." John Owen (17th century)

I think I am the last Christian in America to see the movie Fireproof. I kept putting it off mainly because most "christian" movies (except for the Narnia movies) are poorly produced, the acting is left wanting and if truth be told are rather cheesy. But... I found myself with nothing in particular to do last Friday night so I decided to rent it and watch it.

I was half right... the movie was poorly acted except for Kirk Cameron.. he's a good actor AND the movie was indeed "cheesy." BUT! God used this movie to speak to my heart about sin.

I'm referring to one scene in particular. The main character played by Kirk Cameron had an addiction to pornography. This was one of the many ways that contributed to his falling apart marriage. The movie was not centered on this particular issue but was one of many ways that he was not honoring his wife.

At one point, this main character turned to Jesus Christ in faith and repentance and the viewers of this movie are privy to the transformation of this man and the transformation of his marriage. He was truly a new creation!

One of the areas of change that the movie depicted was how he dealt with his addiction to pornography. It wasn't a very long scene, but full of biblical truth.
One day this man was sitting in front of the computer and we could see his temptation to view porn. We watched his struggle ... finally, in anger, he took his computer outside and beat the bejabbers out of it with a baseball bat! He got rid of one of the primary means by which he was tempted to view porn.

As I watched that scene I actually got teary eyed for it was a visual example of how we should KILL remaining sin that continues in our lives! Of course, the computer wasn't the sin but it was a symbol of the sin, the means by which he sinned. As he was beating that computer into smithereens all I could think of was, "He is killing sin before it kills him. He is taking DRASTIC measures to not sin in this manner!"

It got me to thinking... am I that drastic in killing sin? How do I handle those times of frustration, annoyance, selfishness, gossip? Do I just slap my own hand and give it a moment of "I shouldn't do that?" or do I go to the Lord and beg Him for the grace and strength to resist these "little" sins? Do I BATTLE these sins or do I just accept them as "just the way I am?" Do I give into that kind of behavior? DO I BATTLE these things?

John Owen, our long gone brother in Christ was very clear when he spoke about what God's Word says. If we don't kill sin it WILL kill us. Oh yes.. praise the Lord for God's great mercies and grace. I would indeed perish without His saving grace.. but... since I belong to God through Faith in Jesus Christ shouldn't I have increasing hate toward my sin? Shouldn't I be taking a baseball bat to my sin? Indeed, I should!

Oh Lord, may you give me the strength to be serious about killing remaining sin in my life! Thank you that your mercies are new every morning! Thank you for the grace and steadfast love that you give to us. Help me to hate my sin as you do! Give to me the desire and the strength to kill sin! Help me to be an obedient child. In Jesus Name.. amen.

PS... was the movie "cheesy?" Yes! But worth every cheesy moment!!! Watch it!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!
I have a "profile" on Facebook. I know, I know... I am way too old for Facebook, however, it has proved to be a great way to reconnect with long lost friends! Presently, on Facebook, making it's rounds is a 25 Random Things About Me note. You're supposed to write 25 things about yourself and then "tag" 25 people and they're supposed to write about themselves... etc etc... kind of a fun way to get to know people. So... I'm copying an idea from someone else's blog! She copied her Facebook 25 things and posted it on her blog! I thought it was a great idea and a way for the people who lurk around this blog or stumble upon it to know me a bit better! Enjoy! Feel free to leave comments AND add your own random things about yourself!
1. In February, Dennis and I will be celebrating 31 years of marriage together! I love him more every day! He's the best husband!
2. I would love to have a degree in Library Science.
3. I LOVE being a wife and mom
4. I still look at how God drew me to Himself with utter amazement.
5. I LOVE to read! (not so secret, I know) I've gone beyond loving to read to actually being a bibliophile.
6. I'm really just one big nerd. I love all the new gadgets.
7. English is not my first language. Lithuanian is. I learned to speak English in Kindergarten.
8. I LOVE spending time with my kids.
9. I get especially giddy when all my kids and kids in law are under one roof with me!!
10. I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA this summer!!
11. I love to help women get excited about and love God's Word.
12. I love my church and am so thankful to be continually learning about grace.
13. I never thought I could stop drinking Diet Pepsi. I am happy to say that it has been over a year since Diet Pepsi has passed my lips!
14. My mom has been living with us for over 2 years now!
15. I love to write about Jesus. I hope to be published one day.
16. My dream house is on the coast of Maine. I get the best of all worlds that way.. cold, wind, snow, beach. Doesn't get any better!!!!! The Sleepless in Seattle House would be okay too... I'd have to sacrifice snow for rain.. but that's okay.... there's still snow there too, right?
17. It was a significant election this year.. for the first time, I am older than the President.
18. The first time I met my present physician, she looked so young I wanted to ask her, "Does your mommy know you're here and playing doctor?"
19. I really really really like to watch American Idol, Survivor, Amazing Race... hmmmm.
20. Snow makes me happy. Nothing like a new, fresh fallen snow to remind me that though my sins were like scarlet they are as white as snow. (Is 1:17)
21. I like rainy days at home with a cozy fire, a warm blanket, hot tea and a couple of good books.22. I cry at sappy tv commercials
23. I love singing worship songs at the top of my lungs while riding by myself in my car.
24. I hate cooking. Yuck. Blech. Shivers ...
25. Did I say I love to read? All things.. classics, modern fiction, non fiction, history, theology, BIBLE...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

On Sunday our pastor served us well with a sermon on evangelism. He spoke from Philippians about the advancement of the gospel. I was encouraged to ask God for boldness in sharing the gospel with people, strangers and friends alike. There are so many excuses for NOT sharing the Gospel... too busy, too scared, not the right time.. etc etc... but the bottom line is if we don't share the gospel, how will people know????
My pastor mentioned that there is a "saying" making it's way through parts of the evangelical church which is quite frankly unbiblical. It goes something like this : Always share the gospel, sometimes use words.

This is not a biblical way of thinking. The scriptures are clear:
Romans 10:17 : "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.
Romans 10:15 : " And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!"
In order for people to be saved they first have to HEAR the good news of the gospel!!!!!
Here is a great set of notes from the Desiring God Blog summarizing a teaching by Mark Dever about what Evangalism is and is not! It is a great reminder that we must be clear when we evangelize! We must tell people that CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS!
1 Cor 15:1-3 "Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you... unless you believed in vain. For I delieverd to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures."
We MUST use words when we share the gospel or it isn't sharing the Gospel at all! Oh Lord, give me a boldness to share the gospel in it's fullness!
Here is the link and content about Evangelism from the Desiring God blog:

You can now listen to Mark Dever's second message "The Pastor and Evangelism."

Update: You can now watch the video.

The following is from notes taken during the session.

5 Things We Can Mistake for Evangelism

1) Imposition

We mistakenly take evangelism to be manipulation. But that's what the world says. In truth, we're not trying to impose our beliefs on anybody. Biblically, we can't impose our beliefs on anybody. Force and coercion cannot finally bring about the change that God demands. You can't expand Christianity by the sword. Evangelism is not some sort of intellectual imposition.
To believe that something is true and to share that with others is not coercion. We don't impose when we evangelize. We freely offer it to all and do not, cannot, force it on anybody.

2) Personal Testimony

A personal testimony is a wonderful thing. The Bible is full of examples of it, and we should testify to the wonderful experience of receiving God's mercy.
But consider John 9 and the man born blind. He gives his testimony but doesn't even know who Jesus is. His words glorify God, but they don't present the gospel. This is not evangelism.
Unless you're explicit about Jesus Christ and the cross then it is not the gospel.

3) Social Action / Public Involvement

Mercy ministries display God's kindness, and they are good and appropriate for the Christian to do. But such actions are not evangelism. They may commend the gospel to others, but only if someone has told them the gospel. They need to have the gospel added to them. Helping others or doing our jobs well, whatever they are, in and of themselves are not evangelism.

4) Apologetics

Apologetics are valuable, but they have their own set of dangers. You can get bogged down in talking about purely intellectual or peripheral matters and never get to the gospel.
It's fine for us to talk with unbelieving friends about questions that they have, but our attempts to try and answer them without setting the gospel as the foundation does no good. Jesus must set the agenda for evangelism.

5) The Results of Evangelism

2 Corinthians 2:15
For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16 to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things?
Note that the same ministry has two different effects. It's like the parable of the soil: same seed, different results.
We cannot finally judge the correctness of what we do by the immediate response that we get. The need for numbers puts an unnecessary stress on pastors and misunderstands the way that God saves.
We must practice our ministries realizing that some of us will be like Adoniram Judson or William Carey, who had no converts until after seven years of faithful gospel ministry. It's a fact that most people don't believe the gospel the first time they hear it.
Don't let the gospel that you preach be molded by what it is that gets an immediate response. Preach the gospel, trying to persuade--pleading for your hearers to believe--but knowing that you cannot convert a person. And then let God do with it what he will. He alone can call the dead to life. The gospel is powerful, and God is committed to using us to spread this good news.