Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Perspective... interesting word... the definition from Miriam Webster online dictionary is, "Aids in the vision of"....

I'm sure you've had those moments of perspective thinking... for example.. I am having a horrible day, nothing is going right and then i remember my son, and all our soldiers, risking life and limb in Iraq and Afganistan and then I realize that my day isn't so bad after all. Remembering what my son in Iraq is going through "aids in the vision" of how my day really isn't quite so bad!

Lydia, over at the Purple Cellar blog wrote a great article today about perspective. You may have to copy and paste the link. Here is the link:


I highly recommend you go and read it.

May God give you HIS perspective today. No matter what else is going on in your life ask yourself this, "Is it well with my soul today?"

Blessings to you! Go and read Lydia's blog!

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