My husband and I laugh because this is the year we turn 55. Of course, I have to say that he turns 55 a FULL 9 months earlier than I do. Our responses to this fact of our aging was quite different... he is THRILLED that he finally will get the senior discount at Bob Evans Restaurant and I, upon the realization of turning double nickels this year, dyed my hair on New Years Day to cover up those gray hairs!! haha! Dennis is ready to embrace it and I'm just not quite ready to look the part although I will take advantage of that senior discount (and let me repeat:) a FULL 9 months after my husband does! :)
I have been away from writing this blog for a long time. Honestly? I ran out of things to say! haha! Those who know me well aren't buying that, I'm sure... but it's true. I came up against a writer's block of sorts but I have a feeling that I'm back!!!! :)
I am looking forward to waiting this year... waiting for what you might ask? Well, in August of '09 our youngest son went away to college so for the majority of the year we are empty nest. I have been stuck with not knowing what to do with myself. I think I have been downright "in the dumps"... kind of stuck... I have had some WONDERFUL things happen in the second half of '09 .. two beautiful grandchildren (our first ones!!!) were born! Charlie Michael and Gabriel Jacob! Charlie in July and Gabe in November... they bring SUCH joy to me... but I still felt "stuck".
So what do i do now?
Well, on New Year's Eve my husband was sick. By 630 PM he was sound asleep on the couch. I got online and just surfed around, played games, read blogs . In doing so I came across a live stream of John Piper preaching about Holy Ambition to I'm assuming young adults. I began to listen and was captivated by his words. His words brought me to a place of repentance of my laziness this past few months, of unbelief, of harshness towards others (in thought mostly, but also in words to some people around me.).. of wasting those few months of my life. My time in Scripture was not daily, my daily prayer life was minimal.. I was in a dry and barren land and didn't even know it until the last day of 2009.
As I said, I had a time of repentance and worship and prayer and at Dr. Piper's suggestion I prayed that God would give me a holy ambition, that I would not waste the rest of my life. At 55 I may have 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 20 years, 30 years left to live on this earth before I go to be with my God and Savior but I do know that I do not want to waste another minute! I immediately felt as though I were airlifted out of that dry and barren land and my joy returned! How kind and merciful of God!!!!
So... what does my life look like since then? Well, not a whole lot different . I am waiting. I don't know what God has for me but my heart attitude is different! I enjoy more time reading the bible, I am praying more, I am TRUSTING God more! I am joyful and hopeful! I am continuing to serve my church and my family .. I'm not just going to "sit and wait" for God to "voila" show me what the rest of my life is going to look like.. I am going to put one foot in front of the other and walk in trust serving the kingdom and enjoying this season of life. I am looking forward to God's continuing sanctification in my life.. I am basking in His grace, love and mercy. Ahhh.. it's good to be back. :)
I don't know what this blog is going to look like or how regularly I'll post... we'll see!!! :)
So.. Happy New Year! Welcome back to ME! :) and I look forward to communicating with those who might stop in and read this blog!
God bless you all!
"Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually." Psalm 105:4